
The Design Technology and Engineering Department aims to offer an invigorating, challenging and high-quality experience which promotes innovation, resourcefulness and independent learning; encouraging all pupils to reach their full potential. Design Technology covers four key areas: Food, Engineering, Graphics and Textiles. The subject intentions are to provide lessons of interest and relevance so that pupils may be motivated to be creative, imaginative and inspired.


Years Seven and Eight

Pupils are introduced to each of the four areas of study. Here they will get a taste for each area creating a grounding for future study and produce items that can be taken home.

Exam groups (Years Nine, Ten, and Eleven)

We currently offer recognised qualifications in the following courses:


Level 1/2 Vocational Award in Engineering (

Skills gained: Application of materials, equipment and processes, designing, drawing skills and the ability to read technical drawings, use of CAD / CAM.


Level 1/2 vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering (

Skills gained: Practical Cooking Skills, Diet and Nutrition, Food Safety and Hygiene, Food Provenance and Choice.


Respect for the working environment and Health and Safety procedures will be expected from all pupils.

In Food they will need to bring ingredients as required for their cooking.


Design Technology and Engineering will make students more aware of products and processes in everyday life and industry, to be able to make informed environmental decisions, improve communication skills, acquire practical skills, apply skills from across the curriculum in Maths, Science, English, Art and ICT and develop their problem-solving skills.

Most importantly it gives students skills for life.

Achievements, Awards and Enrichment

There are annual awards presented in the summer to pupils who have excelled or who have worked hard; there are also visits to institutes, exhibitions and fun educational days out.

Cross Curricular

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) days are held in school and off site, including visits to local primary schools where students deliver STEM experiences.


Classes are offered after school and during some lunch breaks to give pupils additional help with finishing class work or to offer further extension work.