Churchmead School Pupil premium strategy statement 24/25

At Churchmead, we pride ourselves on providing an inclusive provision to every student. We are committed to raising the profile of Pupil Premium Students and uphold high expectations, irrespective of their background, personal circumstances or experiences prior to joining our school community.

What is Pupil Premium?

The pupil premium provision is additional funding provided to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of lower income families and disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gap between their attainment and that of their peers.

Churchmead School receives funding for students eligible for free school meals, students whose parents are serving in the armed forces or students who are in care, adopted from care or ‘looked after’. 

Churchmead has a track record of ensuring this funding is used effectively to ensure our pupils make good progress.

Pupil Premium

Updated: 21/11/2024 249 KB
Updated: 24/04/2024 223 KB
Updated: 23/01/2023 247 KB
Updated: 29/11/2022 228 KB
Updated: 29/11/2022 78 KB

School overview using validated data from 2024/25



 School name

Churchmead School

Pupils in school


Proportion of disadvantaged pupils


Pupil premium allocation this academic year


Academic year or years covered by statement

2022 – 2025

Publish date

October 2024

Review date

October 2025

Statement authorised by

Mr Chris Tomes

Pupil premium lead

Ms Nicola Reidy

Governor lead

Ms Dianne Cranmer

Disadvantaged pupil performance overview for last academic year

Progress 8


Attainment 8


Percentage of Grade 5+ in English and Maths

57%(E) 33%(M)