Foundation Governor Vacancy

Are you looking for a faith-led and challenging opportunity to make a real difference in young people’s lives?

We are currently looking for new Foundation Governors to work with the Headteacher and Governing Body in steering this school through a time of change and great expectation.

Churchmead is a Church of England school whose life is deeply rooted in the Christian longing to see pupils of backgrounds come to live life in all its fullness.

We are particularly looking for applicants with a background in

Finance and/or Education.

Foundation Governors should be people who have a living faith in Jesus Christ and come from any church tradition who belongs to Church Together in England.

What Do School Governors Do?

School governors are a team of people who work closely with the head teacher and senior management team to make key strategic decisions about the running of the school.  They play an important role in improving standards throughout the school and setting financial budgets.  Governors are elected for a four-year period.

The Governing Body does not have responsibility for the day-to-day management of the school. The Head is responsible for this within the general policies set by the Governing Body.

How Much Time Would I Need to Commit?

Full Governor meetings are usually held in the evenings due to work commitments.  Some Committee meetings plus attendance for school visits are held in the daytime but, if you work full-time, your employer should allow you time off for this.  However, they do not have to pay you for it.

During each school year, our governors are expected to attend a minimum of:

  • 5 Full Governing Body meetings (6 x 1.5 hours)
  • 5 Committee meetings (6 x 1 hour)
  • 2 Subject Link meetings (2 x 1 hour)
  • School events such as sports day, summer fayre, parents’ evenings
  • 3 Governor Training Sessions (3 x 2 hours) These can be done online at home

You would also need to set aside time for reading policies and paperwork ahead of each meeting and contributing towards newsletters and other committee activities.

What Experience or Qualifications Do I Need?

There are no specific requirements.  Our Governors have a wide range of skills, qualifications and life experiences that benefit the governing body.  Every year we undertake a skills audit to establish our strengths and identify areas where we would benefit from additional knowledge or expertise.

What Would I Gain from Being A School Governor?

Being a school governor can be a very rewarding experience, as you are significantly contributing to the success and achievement of the school and our pupils.  You also have the opportunity to learn and develop business skills that can enhance your day job, assist you in returning to work or towards a promotion.  Volunteering in the community, particularly in a statutory setting, is highly valued both professionally and personally.


If you would like an informal chat about this role, please contact Dianne Cranmer,

Co-Chair of Governors at:

For more information about the role of school governors, please take a look at the National Governor’s Association website at: