At Churchmead School we understand equality to mean treating everyone with equal dignity and worth, valuing their particular characteristics such as age, disability, gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic circumstances.
We understand that people have different needs, situations and goals. Achieving equality requires the removal of discriminatory barriers which may limit what people, especially children and young people, can do and can be. We recognise that inequality can be experienced in a variety of ways, affecting progress, access to services and independence in making life’s decisions; ultimately affecting lives and creating inequality of treatment. Inequality can exist in employment opportunities, through direct and indirect discrimination and disadvantage, imposed by other individuals, groups, institutions or systems intentionally or inadvertently.
Our commitment to equality is demonstrated through our commitment to the individual by our mission statement; ‘Believe to Achieve'. This is further underpinned by our trinity of school values: Courage, Compassion and Commitment where we encourage each other to be the best we can, with no exceptions surrounding social, economic, sexual orientation, age, gender, cultural or religious backgrounds. We are an inclusive school which nurtures the whole person. Our students describe the school as a family where everyone is different.
Our commitment is evident through the many interventions that we, as a school have, in place. Our ‘student voice’, has helped reshape our rewards system based on the seven Olympic and Paralympic values:- friendship, respect, excellence, equality, courage, determination and inspiration.